The Ghostwriter Speaks!
Although painfully shy and ill-suited for self-promotion, Mark is making strides to overcome his essential nature by doing more and more public speaking.

His remarks, "From The Principal's Office to The Oval Office," recount with anecdotes and insight the origins of an unlikely career path and lessons learned along the way. More importantly, it offers a unique perspective on the Clinton presidency from the person who's job it was to find the funny rejoinder to every crisis from "I did not inhale" to "I did not have sex with that woman." The speech is highlighted with a showing of the acclaimed Clinton Farewell video, The Final Days.

For more info, please contact the bookings office of the Sound Bite Institute. (Ask for "Mark")

MAILBAG: Listen to the People Who Have Listened to Mark Katz
-Judy Carter of the Comedy Workshop wrote:
"For a guy who swears he's not a stand-up, you sure are able to stand up in front of an audience with a microphone in your hand and generate a lot of laughter. Thanks for a great speech at our comedy workshop retreat."

-Ralph Gaillard, Vice President of Conferences, Lawrence Ragan Communications wrote:
"Once again your remarks at our Speechwriters Conference stood out among a crowded field of big-name keynoters. You have a unique ability to combine humor with insight and a style that is a welcome cure for conference attendees suffering from PowerPoint Poisoning."

-Gail Goldstein of the New York Toyota Comedy Festival wrote:
"I AM NOT A CORPSE!" is very funny book and your stories are a riot. Thanks for using both to generate so much laughter for a terrific event."

-Wayne Barksy of Gibson Dunn & Crutcher wrote:
"Mark, your remarks at our partner's retreat were the highlight of the weekend. It takes a whole lot to make a roomfull of Republican litigators laugh. You had that -- and some to spare. Thanks for bringing us along on your trip "From the Principal's Office to the Oval Office."

-Mark D. Gearan, President of Hobart and William Smith College wrote:
"Yours was definitely the funniest and certainly one of the best speeches we've had at the President's Forum. Our student body is bound to be just slightly dissapointed if our next speaker is not really, really funny."

-Rachel Pine of UJA Entertainment, Media and Communications Division wrote:
"Dear Mark: Your talk was wonderful -- funny, informative and really a great story. I have received dozens of phone calls from people telling me how much they enjoyed your presentation. I am also being lauded ny UJA higher-ups for my remarkable achievement --of course this has nothing to do with me and everything to do with you."

-Rica Rodman of Disney PAC wrote:
"Your speech to our conference was all we could have hoped for: informative, insightful and really, really funny. After you left, I was barraged with the same two questions: "where did you find him?" and "is he single--I want to introduce him to my daughter?"

-Jennifer Noll of the Town Hall Lecture Series wrote:
"To be honest, we booked you because you cost less than Al Franken. We really had no way of knowing how funny you were. Please take no insult when I tell you that, dollar for dollar, you are a hysterical bargain."

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