Moses' younger brother
Moses this. Moses that. Moses! Moses! Moses!
Abdul Mejid
emperor of Ottoman Empire
Bring me something upon which I may rest my weary feet.
inventor of monotheism
Isaac, this is going to hurt you more than it's going to hurt me.
--the first circumcision
mythological warrior
Do you have this in a high-top?
-inquiry to sandal clerk
first man
No, no! I asked you to bring me back a Snapple!
I think we should see other people.
--breaking up with Eve
Agnew, Spiro
former U.S. Vice President
I regret that I was unable to maintain the ethical standards of the Nixon administration.
--letter of resignation
Aldrin, Eugene (Buzz)
second man on the moon
Tails. |
Alexander the Great
conqueror of Persian Empire
Id like you to meet my brothers, Stan the Entirely Adequate and Mort the Well-Above-Average. |
Ames, Aldrich
master spy
Ello-hay oviets-say. It's ick-ray. I ant-way my ayment-pay.
--secret coded communications made from his office desk.
Anderson, Hans Christian
writer of childrens stories
"The Magical Reappearing Sore"
"The Lonely Shepherd"
"Gretta has Two Mommies"
--unpublished works
Andretti, Mario
race car driver
Why yes, officer. I do think Im Mario Andretti.
--frequent response to state troopers
Anthony, Susan B.
pioneer feminist
--what the "B" stands for
Arafat, Yasir
PLO leader
You don't have to be Jewish to love Levy's Jewish Rye!
--breakthrough peace treaty concession, 1994
Im so happy, I could blow up a bus.
--accepting Nobel Peace Prize, 1994
Greek comedy writer
I just came in from Sparta. Boy, are my legs tired!
Armstrong, Neil
U.S. astronaut
Houston. This is Eagle. Are we there yet?
--question repeated incessantly
How come we can put a man on the moon but we can't invent a decent instant orange-flavored beverage
Arthur, Chester A.
21st U.S. President
Peace. Prosperity. Mutton chops.
--unsuccessful re-election slogan, 1886
Attila the Hun
6th century European marauder
By the time Im through, no one will remember the name Trepkor the Hun.
-- vowing to exceed the carnage of his predecessor
Do these shoes go with this helmet?
--preparing to invade France
Gentlemen, gentlemen -- this is a looting, not a massacre. Lets act civilized.
--restoring order to his troops |
Avogadro, Amedeo
molecular physicist
--Avogrados Telephone Number |