Waldheim, Kurt
Austrian politician/U.N. Secretary General
Assistant Manager, The Gap, Vienna, Austria. 1939-1944.
--suspicious resume entry
Wallace, Mike
60 Minutes interrogator
Shh! Listen. It's that damn ticking noise again!
Walters, Barbara
television journalist
Hello, were live from Lillihamer, the lovely Olympic landscape, where the legendary luge event will leadoff a little later.
--1994 Olympic coverage
Warhol, Andy
pop artist
Soup is good art.
Warren, Justice Earl
head of Warren Commission
After exiting the Presidents body, the bullet ricocheted around Dallas for two days until it entered the abdomen of Lee Harvey Oswald.
--first draft of the single bullet theory
Washington, George
1st U.S. President
That doesnt look anything like me!
--upon seeing the Washington Monument
Second in war? Third in peace? Fifth in the hearts of my countrymen!?!?
--taking a dip in the polls
Will, George
television contrarian
If you keep quiet about my clip-on bowtie, I won't tell anyone about your clip-on hair.
--secret pact with Sam Donaldson
Wilson, Woodrow
28th U.S. President
OK then, how about this: two leagues --the American and National -- and the winner from each play in the World Series.
--alternate proposal following rejection of the League of Nations
Winfrey, Oprah
talk show host
Lazy, pathetic, unemployable people who sit home and watch daytime television in a vain attempt to avoid confronting the cruel hopelessness of their failed lives.
--rejected show topic
Wright, Orville
flight pioneer
In the event of a water landing, your seat cushion is a seat cushion.
--safety instructions to Wilbur