G., Kenny
--what the "G" stands for? |

Gandhi, Mahatma
Indian nationalist leader
Yes, Id like to order the lamb vindaloo for delivery. My name? Uhh.... Gordon.
--secret telephone conversation |
Garcia, Jerry
"Chunky Junkie"
--second ice cream flavor named in his honor |
Gates, Bill
Microsoft mogul
When you've got them by the software, their hearts and minds will follow. |
Gates, Darryl
former LAPD commissioner
You have the right to remain handcuffed. This billy club can and will be used against you. |
George III
British King
Taxation without representation.
--campaign slogan, 1760 |
serious journalist
Hey, youre looking at the guy who put the "cheese" in machismo!
Ghalli, Boutros Boutros
U.N. Secretary General
Duran Duran
--favorite band |
Mrs. Howell, you're trying to seduce me, aren't you?
--the lost episode of Gilligan's Island
see also: Howell, Mrs. Thurston III |
Gilhoohey, Jeff
goon hirer
While there is a lower class, I am in it. While there is a criminal ?element, I am of it. While there is a soul in prison, I am not free.
--sentencing hearing |
Mrs. Howell! Are you trying to get me drunk?
--the lost episode of Gilligan's Island
see also: Howell, Mrs. Thurston III |
Gingrich, Newt
over-zealous Speaker
I think it's high time we took a closer look into the living arrangements of Bert and Ernie.
--House PBS hearings, 1995
Contract with Canada
Contract with Mexico
Contract with France
--to-do list
Omnipotent Being
........I said 'Let there be light!'
--experiencing technical difficulties
C'mon seven!
--playing dice with the universe |
Godiva, Lady
provocative tax protester
Read my lips: no new taxes. |

existential enigma
Back in five minutes. |
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Soviet Leader
How many ICM missiles do you want for a pair of Levi 501's? |
Gogh, Vincent van
What the hell was I thinking? How am I supposed to wear my glasses?
--afterthought |
Gore, Al
U.S. Vice President
"Al Gore"
--boring Secret Service code name
"Sexiest Man Ostensibly Alive, 1992"
--People Magazine

Gutenberg, Johann
inventor, printing press
Thank you for your manuscript but it does not meet our current needs.
--first form letter |