DAmato, Al
U.S. Senator
That which does not convict me only makes me stronger. |
Daguerre, Louis
inventor of photography
Say "gruyere!"
Dali, Salvador\
You like me! You surreally like me!
-- accepting the coveted "Brushy" Award |
Darrow, Clarence S.
defense attorney
Your honor, I call to the witness stand Mr. Magilla Gorilla.
--announcing surprise witness at the Scopes Monkey Trial |
Darwin, Charles
scientific theorist
Exhibit A.
--cruel nickname for his brother Fred |
Davis, Jefferson
Confederate president
Forget Iowa and New Hampshire. Im counting on Super Tuesday.
--presidential campaign strategy, 1864 |
da Vinci, Leonardo
Big deal. These days, everyone is a "Renaissance Man." |
de Gaulle, Charles
French Prime Minister
OK, heres the plan. If we act rude enough, maybe the Nazis will just go home.
--radio address, 1939 |
Dershowitz, Alan
defense attorney
A man is presumed innocent until proven insane.
Character references: Mike Tyson, O.J. Simpson, Claus von Bulow
-- curriculum vitae |
Descartes, Rene
Im dead. Therefore Im not.
--logical epitaph |

Dewey, Melvil
0-10 heavy jacket
10-20 warm sweater
20-30 windbreaker (optional)
30-40 double-knit slacks
50-60 shorts & t-shirt
60-70 anything mesh
70-80 talcum powder
80-90 mosquito netting
90-100 Solarcaine
--the Dewey Centigrade System |
Dole, Robert
Senate Majority Leader
Hey you kids! Get off my lawn!
Donaldson, Sam
television journalist
Hold on, Mr. Pontiff!
--Papal press conference
Live long and prosper.
she of the ruby slipper
Im originally from Kansas but most of my friends live in the West Village. |
Dracula, Count
Help yourself to some cookies and orange juice.
--frequent offer to house guests

Dukakis, Michael S.
1988 Democratic Presidential candidate
I have not yet begun to fight.
--concession speech, 1988 |