Roman god of wine and revelry
Hello my name is Bacchus -- and I'm an alcoholic.
Bach, Johann Sebastian
classical composer
Bach Unfugued
--best selling CD |
Bannister, Roger
And now I will hard boil an egg in under three minutes.
--announcing his second record-breaking endeavor. |
Baptist, John the
early Christian
Rinse. Repeat if necessary |
Barnum, P.T.
Thats no bearded lady. Thats my wife! |
Beethoven, Ludwig van
I never listen to critics. |
Bell, Alexander Graham
scientist and inventor
Mr. Watson. Come here. I want you. Bad!
--inventing phone sex |
Bennett, Tony
Say, any of you youngsters want to have a rap session?
--hosting MTV Beach House |
Berra, Lawrence (Yogi)
baseball player
Surely you jest. These so-called "Yogisms" are archetypal examples of absurdist non-sequiturs.
--denying authorship |

Birdseye, Clarence
food pioneer
I wish to be frozen in a light cream sauce.
--last will and testament |
Bloomfeld, Harry D.D.S.
renegade dentist
I recommend sugared gum for my patients who chew gum.
--sole dissenter among five for chewing gum questionnaire |
Bond, James
British secret agent
I'd like to apply for a permit to kill.
--age 16 |
Booth, John Wilkes
Did they mention me in the reviews?
--the next day


Boyardee, Chef
culinary of canned goods
With the spaghettios, I'd recommend something with more body. I have a precocious Fruit Juicy Red 1982. |
television clown
No Geraldos!
--lapel pin
Do you have these in a forty-two and a half?
--inquiry to shoe clerk |
Brando, Marlon
One day, Im gonna be bigger than Orson Welles.
--career prediction |


Braun, Eva
Mrs. Adolf Hitler
I can't stand his mustache but I dont dare tell him.
--secret diary
Sorry we couldn't invite you to the wedding but it was a very small bunker.
--letter to close friends and relatives |
Brezhnev, Leonid
Soviet leader
Does this gray tie go with this gray suit?
--picking out daily outfit

Buchanan, Pat
GOP Presidential candidate
Mein Kampaign
--1992 convention speech |
Burton, Richard
Darling, is that all you're eating?
-- at dinner with fiancé Liz Taylor
Why don't you have a salad, dear?
--at dinner with wife Liz Taylor |
Bush, George H. W.
41st U.S. President
Iya, you betcha -- well heck yeah! -- sure do
--marriage vow to wife Barbara. |
Buttafuoco, Joey
star-crossed lover
We'll always have Massapequa.
--tearful farewell with Amy Fisher
see also: Fisher, Amy |