King of Babylonia
Don't even think of parking here.
--The Code, Part IV, sec. 6(a): Regulations, Parking & Traffic |
Hancock, John
American patriot
Lookie here, Jefferson. I'm writing my name in the snow. |
Heimlich, Dr. Henrich
inventor, Heimlich maneuver
Team Doctor of the Buffalo Bills
--official title
Helms, Jesse
U.S. Senator
Come to the dark side, Newt. Together, we shall rule the galaxy.
--election night, 1994 |
Henry VIII
King of England
My wife is separated.
--explaining his marital status
Didnt anyone leave any of the white meat for me? Im King of England for Chrissakes! |
Henry, Patrick
U.S. patriot
.......but if its all the same to you, Id prefer liberty.
--afterthought |
Herzl, Theodore
I am a Hebrew Nationalist. I answer to a higher authority.
--address to League of Nations |
Hess, Rudolph
Nazi war criminal
I was only giving orders.
--unsuccessful Nuremberg defense |
first physician
No seriously. I call it gynecology.
--trying to convince reluctant women of his newfound specialty |

Hitler, Adolf
See evil. Hear evil. Do evil.
Visualize World Domination.
-- bumper sticker |
Hood, Robin
legendary woodsman
So you want to join my Merry Men? Are you aware of the initiation ceremony?
--interviewing new recruit |
Hoover, J. Edgar
F.B.I. Director
I always get my man.
Howell, Thurston III
Ginger darling, as soon as we get of this damn island, I'll divorce the old girl and we'll be married! Won't that be just splendid.
--the lost episode of Gilligan's Island |
Howell. Mrs. Thurston III
Please, call me "Lovey."
--the lost episode of Gilligan's Island |
Hudson, Henry
New World explorer
Hey, no! No! My windshields are clean. I said.... aww shit.
--arriving in New York Harbor |
Hun, Attila the?see Attila the Hun
Hussein, Saadam
Iraqi dictator
Hello, Allstate?
--January 1991 |