Sacco, Nicola
Let's blow up this popsicle stand.
--remark to Vanzetti
Sam, Uncle
recruiter of men
I want you! (If you want me, keep it to yourself.)
-- clarifying "Dont Ask, Dont Tell" policy
Sanders, Colonel
war hero turned poultry king
The Strategies and Recipes of China's General Tso
--West Point term paper
Sandwich, John Montagu
English Earl
Absolutely delicious!
Note: placing roasted meats between bread slices, rather than vice versa, may reduce messiness.
--notes from food laboratory
Schweitzer, Albert
humanitarian physician
I gave at the office.
Seinfeld, Jerry
Some men see things as they are and ask "why?"
Shakespeare, William
English playwright
Fuck ye.
--nasty letter to theatre critic.
Simmons, Richard
fitness fanatic
If I couldnt exercise, Id just go bonkers!
Simpson, O.J.
suspected athlete
And I would have gotten away with it too. If it weren't for you rotten kids and your mangy dog snooping around here!!
Sinatra, Frank
And now, your end is near. And so you face your final curtain.
--last words to Sammy "The Lungfish" Lillatello
Mark my words, boys: gangtsa rap. Its the next big thing.
Siskel, Gene
movie critic
No Mom. Its me -- Siskel. Eberts the fat one.
futility personified
Zero bottles of beer on the wall.
Zero bottles of beer .
If one of those bottles should happen to fall,
Zero bottles of beer on the wall.
A hundred bottles of beer on the wall,
A hundred bottles of beer........
--work song
Skinner, B.F.
behavioral psychologist
Kids, no dessert until you finish your pellets.
Skipper, the
I know I'm the one responsible for you being shipwrecked, Mrs. Howell. But there's got to be another way for me to make it up to you. --the lost episode of Gilligan's Island
see also: Howell, Mrs. Thurston III
Smith, Adam
free market economic theorist
See this? Im giving you the invisible finger.
--responding to criticism of his laissez-faire economic theory
Smith, Liz
gossip columnist
Afterwards, my counselor Marcy Plotnick made Trudy Arnold, Angela Romano and me clean up the entire art shack. Then Doris "D-Cup" Fenster stopped in and just happened to mention that she'd be going to the Boys Camp Cook-Out with dreamboat Tommy Feltham. --letter home from camp, age 9
Is this glass of hemlock half full or half empty?
--last philosophical question
Virtue is knowledge. Ergo: find dumb women.
--finding practical applications for his philosophy
Sorensen, Ted
JFK speechwriter
What can you do for your country? Don't ask.
--first draft
Spock, Mister
Star Fleet Command
Mister Spock? Mr. Spock is my father. Please, call me Dave
St. Francis of Assisi
Who are you calling Assisi?
Stalin, Joseph
Soviet dictator
1. Complete toilet training
2. Learn Russian
3. Purge my family
--his first Five Year Plan
Steinbrenner, George
owner, New York Yankees
How about a little credit for hiring so many managers?
What do you mean "I can't"?
--unsuccessful attempt to fire the manager of the St. Louis Cardinals
Stewart, Martha
lifestyle expert
Disposable diapers are fine but many mothers are going back to traditional cloth diapers.
--first words
Stone, Sharon
movie star
Is there a window open? I feel a draft.
Strassberg, Lee
acting coach
Be the waiter.
Streisand, Barbra
A Vision for Multilateral Diplomacy in a Meshugeneh World -- address to U.N. General Assembly
man of steel
I swear thats never happened to me before............ Are you sure your nightie isnt a kryptonite blend?
--embarrassing moment