MacArthur, Douglas
WWII General
Old soldiers die.
-- post-denial
Machiavelli, Niccolo
political theorist
You wont have Nick Machiavelli to kick around anymore.
--last press conference, 1521
Manilow, Barry
sappy singer
Even I hate Michael Bolton.
Marconi, Gugliemo
inventor of radio
And now our first caller, Mr. Alexander Graham Bell.
--inventing the radio call-in program
Marcos, Imelda
disgraced Filipino politician and socialite
Angry mobs surround palace demanding my execution......Desperate. My world is collapsing........Negotiating refuge in Hawaii. Will need new sandals.
--diary entry, 1981
Marshall, George C.
former U.S. Secretary of State
Finally, if the $40 billion in financial aid doesn't get Europe back on its feet, we can put up a huge Disney theme park in the middle of France. (Just kidding.)
--memo to Truman outlining the Marshall Plan
Marx, Karl
From each according to ability. To each according to his needs.
Plus tax and tip.
--splitting the bill with friends at a restaurant
Dont give me that communal property shit. The stereo is mine! --messy divorce settlement
Well, Mrs. Howell, I have to admit I'm flattered, maybe even a little bit curious but.....
--the lost episode of Gilligan's Island
see also: Howell, Mrs. Thurston III
Mayer, Oscar
lunch meat vendor
My salami has a first name. Its "Mister Happy."
--crude remark
McCarthy, Sen. Joseph
And Mr. Kozlowski, can you tell us the name of the baseball team you play for in Cincinnati?
--hearings on the infiltration of communists into professional sports
Mendel, Gregor
I chose the celibate life of a monk because if I were to have a child, there was a 25% chance it would be a short, yellow pea.
--confused by the ramifications of his own experiments
Your Holiness, nobody said anything to me about using a drop cloth.
Miranda, Carmen
Latin movie star
Never wear mango after Labor Day
Molotov, Vyacheslav
Soviet revolutionary leader
Pffftuuuuu! This tastes like gasoline!
--tasting drink prepared in his honor.
Mondale, Walter
1984 Democratic presidential candidate
As goes Massachusetts, so goes the District of Columbia.
--election night prophesy
Montana, Joe
legendary quarterback
If I hear "It's A Small World After All" one more time I'm gonna strangle one of those stupid midgets.
--winning one too many Super Bowls
Morse, Samuel
Dash, dot dash, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dash, dot, dash, dash dot, dot, dash, dot, dot, dash, dot, dot, dot, dot.
--last words (translation: Chest pains!)
Hebrew leader
I know exactly where we are.
--after 38 years lost in the desert.
Mozart, Wolfgang
Tonight we're gonna party like it's 1599.
--hit single
Mussolini, Benito
I torture! I massacre! I have plans for world domination! How come Hitler gets all the bad press?
--chewing out his press secretary, 1941